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Re: **New and Dangerous Computer Virus** (fwd)

Juergen Bund wrote:
> At 00:21 01/04/1996 -0400, you wrote:
> Anybody can really *confirm* this story? To me, it seems more like a copy of
> the "Good Times" for the 1st of April (which we had yesterday ...).
> Juergen

(Re: PKZip trojan)

Confirmed. It's old, too. See http://www.pkware.com; there's a note
somewhere on their page about it as well.

I'm sure others will confirm it, too. (Note: this virus is at least 3
years old, it's been floating around BBS' for quite some time...)

    Chris Woods					Systems & Network Guy
    mailto:cjwoods@paladin.com		  Paladin Computing Solutions
    voice: 617-273-4226			       http://www.paladin.com
    Do you like the idea of the gubmint  controlling  everything  you
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